Dinsey's radar dish

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Dinsey's radar dish
Dinsey's radar dish

Wart Dinsey had a complex surveillance system installed in Dinseylandfill so he could more accurately track the movements of guests and figure out the optimal positions of gift shops and food stands.

Type: off-hand item (shield)
Damage Reduction: 15
Muscle Required: 100
Outfit: Dinsey's Exoskeleton
  (6 items)

Cannot be traded or discarded

Regenerate 8-10 MP per adventure
Deals Increasing Damage Every Round

(In-game plural: Dinsey radar dishes)
View metadata
Item number: 8233
Description ID: 402040908
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Maint Misbehavin'
Wart Dinsey (as a Turtle Tamer)


  • Damages the opponent each round:
    Electricity crackles around the rim of your radar dish, then arcs out and strikes them for X damage.

See Also


"8233" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.