Deep six-shooter

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deep six-shooter
deep six-shooter

This revolver is just the thing to support both the rootin' and the tootin' aspects of your on-the-go cowboy lifestyle.

Type: ranged weapon (1-handed pistol)
Damage: 20 - 40
Moxie Required: 85
Selling Price: 220 Meat.

Ranged Damage +40
+6% chance of Critical Hit

(In-game plural: deep six-shooters)
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Item number: 6316
Description ID: 507699686
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Coral Corral
sea cowboy


  • When this item and a sea holster are equipped at the same time, the following message is displayed at the end of combat (and you gain an additional 10 moxie substats)
"You twirl your six-shooter around and drop it back into your holster, like a fancy, fancy dude."


  • "The rootin' and the tootin'" is a reference to the song "Pistol-Packing Mama" by Bing Crosby.


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