Death Rattlin'

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Death Rattlin'
Death Rattlin'

Deep in the Defiled Cranny (well, as deep as one can get in a cranny, really,) you come across a wall covered with those stone plates they use to cover up those drawers they put coffins in. What do they call those things?

You don't know. What you do know is that a couple of them appear to have been tampered with, and their covers are askew and crumbled into rubble on the ground, respectively. Of the two that are closed, one of them is silent, and one of them seems to have something rattling around inside it.

What will you do?

Open up the closed one

Inside the drawer, you find a perfectly-preserved set of clothes. Looks like whoever or whatever broke into this thing was only interested in the flesh.

You rifle through the pockets and help yourself to the Meat you find. After all, it's not going to do this absence of a person any good, is it?

Meat.gifYou gain 200-300 Meat.

Crawl inside the open one

You crawl into the drawer. It's empty, but it's so dark and quiet that you decide to take advantage of the opportunity to have a nice little nap.

And man, nice is an understatement. You wake up feeling better and more refreshed than you've felt in years!

You gain 20-30 Fortitude.
You gain 20-30 Enchantedness.
You gain 20-30 Roguishness.
HPYou gain 40-50 hit points.
MPYou gain 40-50 Mana Points.

Dig through the rubble on the ground

You search through the rubble, and find a can of ghuol-repellent. It must've been left here by a caretaker. Maybe one who got taken by surprise and eaten by a ghuol.

Spraycan.gifYou acquire an item: can of Ghuol-B-Gone™

Open the rattling one
swarm of ghuol whelps This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: None
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 50 • Substat Gain: 12.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 60
  • Monster Defense: 45
  • Hit Points: 100
  • Initiative: 300
  • Elemental Alignment: spooky, weak against hot and stench
or with +25–49 ML
big swarm of ghuol whelps This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: None
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 50 • Substat Gain: 12.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 60
  • Monster Defense: 45
  • Hit Points: 150
  • Initiative: 300
  • Elemental Alignment: spooky, weak against hot and stench
or with +50 ML or greater
giant swarm of ghuol whelps This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: None
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 50 • Substat Gain: 12.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 60
  • Monster Defense: 45
  • Hit Points: 250
  • Initiative: 300
  • Elemental Alignment: spooky, weak against hot and stench

Jab your candy cane sword into the rattlin' one

You jam your candy cane sword into the hole and flick it around. You hear moans and groans and grunts. Seems like you easily defeated some tiny horrors.

Your Evilometer beeps 11 times.

You gain 50 Fortitude.
You gain 50 Wizardliness.
You gain 50 Smarm.

Leave the drawers alone

You lose interest in the drawers and wander off.

Occurs at The Defiled Cranny.


  • Choosing to leave the drawers alone does not cost an adventure.
Cyrpt.gif The Cyrpt Choice Adventures
The Defiled Nook
Skull, Skull, Skull
  The Defiled Niche
Urning Your Keep
Check behind the first one 40-60 Smarm Investigate the first urn 40-60 Enchantedness
Look inside the second one 200-300 Meat Check out the second one plus-sized phylactery
(first time only)
See what's under the third one rusty bonesaw See what's behind Urn #3 200-300 Meat
Check the shiny object (rare) debonair deboner Turn Away Skip adventure
Leave the skulls alone Skip adventure
The Defiled Cranny
Death Rattlin'
The Defiled Alcove
Turn Your Head and Coffin
Open up the closed one 200-300 Meat Investigate the fancy coffin 40-60 Muscleboundness
Crawl inside the open one 40-50 HP & MP
20-30 each substat
Check out the pine box 200-300 Meat
Dig through the rubble on the ground can of Ghuol-B-Gone™ Look in the wet one half-rotten brain
Leave them all be Skip adventure Leave the drawers alone Skip adventure
Open the rattling one Fight swarm of ghuol whelps