Dangerous jerkcicle
From TheKolWiki
This is a shard from a glacier of ice, (In-game plural: dangerous jerkcicles) |
Obtained From
- The Glacier of Jerks
- Brock "Rocky" Flox
- Dolores D. Smiley
- Hugo Von Douchington
- Vivian Vibrian Vumian Varr
- Wacky Zack Flacky
When Used
- Against The Large-Bellied Snitch:
- You say, "hush with your gossip! You're shallow and fickle!"
The Snitch tattles on, so you grab a jerkcicle,
You toss with a flip and a quip and a twitch,
And it lands point-side up right in front of the Snitch.
- Against Mammon the Elephant:
- Against anyone else:
![]() |
You toss the jerkcicle as neat as you please, It takes 20-40 damage and dies by degrees. |
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