"I think a man working outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion."
- Andy Dufresne, Beach Bum and Brewer
Type: booze (good) Potency: 1 Level required: 3 Selling Price: 100 Meat. Effect: Favored by Lyle (10 Adventures)Muscle +10% Mysticality +10% Moxie +10% (In-game plural: bottles of DUFRESNE Suds) | |
Obtained From
- Monorail Work Site
- On the Chain Gang
- Stores
- The Gnomish Micromicrobrewery (sometimes) (300 Meat)
When Consumed
You drink the sweet taste of freedom.
You gain 1 Drunkenness.
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