Cursed monkey's paw

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cursed monkey's paw
cursed monkey's paw

A cursed monkey's paw with no curled digits. Everything is going great and the world is your oyster.

Type: accessory
Cannot be traded or discarded

All Attributes +10
+10 Spooky Damage
+10 Damage to Spooky Spells
So-So Resistance to All Elements (+2)
Grants Wishes!

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: cursed monkey's paws)
View metadata
Item number: 11186
Description ID: 617234158
View in-game: view

Obtained From

cursed monkey glove


  • Has a [wish] link in the inventory. It takes you to Make a Wish.
    • You can use up to 5 wishes per day on effects or items, see the dedicated page. You can wish for the same item multiple times.
    • There is a spading spreadsheet.
  • When an item and effect have the same name, it appears to prioritize the effect. For example, wishing for "knob goblin perfume" results in the effect rather than the item.
  • Depending on the number of wishes used today provides a different combat skill when equipped and has a different description and image:
Wishes used Skill Skill effect Description
Monkeypaw0.gif 0 Monkey Slap Instant kill, banish (turn-taking), no items will drop A cursed monkey's paw with no curled digits. Everything is going great and the world is your oyster.
Monkeypaw1.gif 1 Monkey Tickle Delevel A cursed monkey's paw with its thumb curled up. It makes you a little nervous, but you're sure everything will work out just fine.
Monkeypaw2.gif 2 Evil Monkey Eye Spooky damage + delevel A cursed monkey's paw with its thumb and pinky curled up. It looks uncomfortable, and it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Monkeypaw3.gif 3 Monkey Peace Sign Heal A cursed monkey's paw with only two fingers extended. It does not make you feel peaceful.
Monkeypaw4.gif 4 Monkey Point Olfaction-like A cursed monkey's paw extending its pointer finger at you. You know what you did, and you know there will be consequences.
Monkeypaw5.gif 5 Monkey Punch Physical damage A cursed monkey's paw, curled into a fist. No need to ask for whom it punches. It punches for thee.
  • Is automatically placed in your inventory for you at the beginning of your run, with the message:
    You can't seem to leave this cursed thing behind!
    Monkeypaw0.gifYou acquire an item: cursed monkey's paw


"11187" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.