Curse of Vacation

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Curse of Vacation

Curse of Vacation

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 30

"Vacation" in this context refers simply to the act of vacating -- when you want someone to go away and not come back for a while, this is what you curse them with.

You aren't certain where they actually go, but you're pretty sure it isn't a sunny and pleasant holiday resort.

  • And, if it has been used today:

You recently sent a <monstername> on a nice vacation.

Banish a monster for the rest of the day.

Source: The Book of the Undying
Price: N/A
Class: Actually Ed the Undying
Level: Curses 6
When Used:
You tell your opponent to go away, and he does -- straight into a whirling vortex of negative energy. "Don't bother sending me a postcard," you call after him as the vortex disappears without a trace.


Spadebal.gif There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.

Cooldown, Daily Uses, or other limitations need to be confirmed and verified. March 2020.
  • Does not fail against bosses, though this is rather obviously not very useful, as it counts as running away rather than defeating them.
  • It appears that this skill can be used 5 times a day, with no cooldown, and on only one target at a time.

See Also