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You've got a bad case of cunctatitis, a disease whose main symptom is intense procrastination. You never do today what you can put off until tomorrow, including putting off until the day after tomorrow all the things you put off yesterday. Also, dyslexic people think you're incredibly vulgar.

Eh. You'll figure out what this effect does later...

View metadata
Effect number: 301
Description ID: 9a12b9329e0701252387afe75dee34ee
View in-game: view

Obtained From


  • Lowers Combat Initiative by 1000.
    • This effect makes running away nearly impossible, due to the combat initiative reduction.
    • You still will get the initiative when fighting Procrastination Giants and other monsters with 0 initiative.
  • Besides lowering combat initiative, this effect has a 50% chance of preventing your actions in combat, replacing your actions with the following messages:
    • You decide to use that skill later.
    • You decide to attack him later.
    • You decide to use that item later.
  • Failed skills do not consume MP, nor do failed item uses consume the item.
  • Skills which perform weapon attacks (such as Thrust-Smack or Headbutt) have significantly reduced chances of working, as both the skill and the attack itself are subject to procrastination.
  • Only gained when performing melee attacks -- using combat items, spells, ranged weapons, or some skills such as Spectral Snapper will not trigger this effect. Skills such as Shieldbutt or Thrust-Smack can trigger this effect.
  • Can be removed by casting Disco Nap with the Adventurer of Leisure skill or using ancient Magi-Wipes.


  • A cunctation is a delay, and "-itis" means "inflammation of" but is often mistaken to mean "disease of," so cunctatitis is the disease of procrastination.
  • The vulgarity most likely lies in the transposition of a couple of letters in the name of the effect.
  • Dyslexia, commonly thought to be a mental disease that causes letters to appear switched around, is actually a reading disability that leads to various difficulties with written language, especially in decoding and spelling. In fact, it is common for readers to automatically "swap" letters in order to make an unfamiliar-seeming word parseable -- when this happens in everyday life (as it does for many reading the name of this "disease" for the first time), many people (inaccurately) call it a "dyslexic moment."

See Also