Crotchety pants

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crotchety pants
crotchety pants

This is a pair of pants woven from the needles of the crotchety pine. It's itchy enough in just the right places to make sure you'll be plenty crotchety while you're wearing them.

Type: pants
Power: 75
Moxie Required: 22
Outfit: Arrrbor Day Apparrrrrel
  (3 items)

Cannot be traded or discarded

Maximum HP +40

(In-game plural: pairs of crotchety pants)
View metadata
Item number: 3271
Description ID: 577653594
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Arrrboretum
Stumped (only if 100 or more Crotchety Pine saplings were planted on previous Arrrbor Day)


See Also


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