Crimbonium Mine
From TheKolWiki
Without wearing High-Radiation Mining Gear:
- You probably shouldn't go into a highly-radioactive mine without wearing some sort of protection.
When wearing High-Radiation Mining Gear:
Mining a chunk of the cavern wall takes one Adventure.
- If the rock does not twinkle:
You acquire an item: peppermint tailings |
You gain 24-30 Meat. |
You gain 9-10 Chutzpah. |
You gain 8-10 Muscleboundness. |
You gain some Mysteriousness. |
- If the rock twinkles:
You acquire an item: nugget of Crimbonium |
An inexpert shot with your mining laser causes a tremendous cave-in!
You lose some hit points. |
- With Oily Legs active:
You lose some of an effect: Oily Legs (1 Adventure) |
Trying to mine a section that is not adjacent to an already mined section, you receive the popup message:
The walls of the cave are also clickable, and will produce the popup message:
- After you have mined at least once:
Find New Cavern |
- Clicking on "Find New Cavern":
Occurs when clicking "Crimbonium Mine" in the Desert Beach.
- You must be wearing the High-Radiation Mining Gear in order to access this area.
- There are 10 promising chunks per mine. A contiguous group of 6 promising chunks will be the nuggets of Crimbonium, the other 4 chunks (some of which may be contiguous with the Crimbonium) will be cave-ins. Other chunks will give ~10 of one substat or ~25 meat, in addition to the peppermint tailings.
- Mining uses adventures like usual, unless you have the Oily Legs effect (randomly received from flask of mining oil), then one charge is consumed instead.
- The Unaccompanied Miner passive skill works as usual, but the Oily Legs effect gets consumed before charges from this skill get used up.
- If you have the Crimbonar effect (also randomly received from flask of mining oil), you can see all the promising chunks, regardless of whether you're close to them or not. You can also see all promising chunks with Object Detection, as in any standard mine.