Crimbo train emergency brake

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Crimbo train emergency brake
Crimbo train emergency brake

The reason this works even when it's not attached to the ceiling of the Crimbo Train is because modern trains all have wi-fi brakes.

Type: combat item
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: Crimbo train emergency brakes)
View metadata
Item number: 11060
Description ID: 781085744
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Crimbo Train (Caboose)
Brake-Operating Trainbot

When Used

You pull the emergency brake, causing the Crimbo Train to abruptly slow down. Your opponent loses its balance and falls over, sustaining ~320 damage in the process.
  • When used anywhere else:
This item doesn't do anything here.


"11060" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.