cream of pointy mushroom soup
This is a soup made with milk and pointy mushrooms. Never before have you seen something as creamy and as pointy as this soup. Unless you ever saw some kind of a spear made out of frozen cream, in which case nothing could ever surprise you again in this regard.
Type: food (decent) Size: 2 Selling Price: 75 Meat. (In-game plural: cream of pointy mushroom soups) | |
Obtained From
- Stores
- Chez Snootée (sometimes) (225 Meat)
When Consumed
You eat the soup, repeatedly poking yourself in the tongue. Ow ow ow.
(You gain 2 Fullness.)
- If you lose all your HP from eating this, you gain 4 adventures of Beaten Up instead of the usual 3.
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