Crates of Plates

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Crates of Plates
Crates of Plates

In a dusty (but still high-tech looking) corner of the Crimborg Collective Factory, you find a pile of low-tech wooden crates. You pry the lid off of one, and find that it contains some of that plating that the Crimborg elfbots use to make their toys.

Looks like they forgot about this batch -- that must've made it difficult for them to make as many toys as they were supposed to.

You grab a bunch of the plating and shuffle back to the factory.

Your ten-leaf clover vanishes in a puff of smoke.

Device6.gifYou acquire 3 high-resistance ultrapolymer platings

Occurred at The Crimborg Collective Factory with a ten-leaf clover in your inventory.


  • This adventure was created in order to address the uneven drop rates of high-resistance ultrapolymer platings in comparison to other toy components. (Namely, the plating drop rate was set to 5%, compared to 20% for the other five components.) The line "that must've made it difficult for them to make as many toys as they were supposed to." is a reference to this, since one plating was required for each toy.