Conjure Relaxing Campfire

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Conjure Relaxing Campfire

Conjure Relaxing Campfire

Type: Combat Spell
MP Cost: 30

This skill allows you to summon a nice, warm campfire. Perhaps you could then sit by it, and genially address the concerns of the nation? It would undoubtedly make people trust you more.

Source: Tales from the Fireside
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Deals (10-20)+(Mys/10) hot damage, where Mys is your buffed Mysticality (which isn't ever capped), and divisions are rounded down. Calms flipped out monsters.
When Used:
You conjure up a relaxing campfire. Your opponent doesn't seem to appreciate it, though, so you kick a flaming log out of it, hitting him for X damage.


You conjure up a relaxing campfire. Your opponent relaxes by the fire and calms down noticeably.



See Also