Color Wheel of Yuck

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Color Wheel of Yuck
Color Wheel of Yuck

This trophy is earned by discovering every possible slime vial recipe.

Color Wheel of Yuck You're entitled to the "Color Wheel of Yuck" trophy, for discovering every possible slime vial recipe.


  • Assuming that you use the created slime potions in further recipes, this trophy requires 273 vials of slime (91 of each of red, yellow, and blue).
  • Given that after beating your Nemesis, you can only get 10 potions a day, you're probably better off collecting the potions in advance.
  • The full list of potions can be found here.


  • The name of the image is a reference to the slogan of Skittles candy: "Taste the rainbow."
  • The name of the trophy refers to the Wheel of Yuck, a tool used by a flavoring maker to help kids and their parents deal with nasty-tasting medicines, and to the color wheel, a design used for comparing and selecting colors.