Colander of Em-er'il

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Colander of Em-er'il
Colander of Em-er'il

This is one of the legendary colanders from the kitchen of Em-er'il, the founder of the Guild of Pastamancers.

Its kung-fu is strong.

Type: hat
Power: 100
Mysticality Required: 15
Outfit: Legendary Regalia of the Pasta Master
  (4 items)

Cannot be traded or discarded

Mysticality +11
Regenerate 2-6 MP per adventure

(Bonus for Pastamancers only)

(In-game plural: Colanders of Em-er'il)
View metadata
Item number: 152
Description ID: 135642556
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Dark and Dank and Sinister Cave (one time drop)
Spaghetti Elemental


  • This Epic Hat is given to Pastamancers when they defeat their nemesis at the Dark and Dank and Sinister Cave.
  • The enchantment on this hat changed on August 18, 2009, when the new Nemesis quest was rolled out.


  • The name of this item, specifically "Em-er'il", is a play on the first name of the well-known television chef Emeril Lagasse.

See Also


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