Coconut bikini top

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coconut bikini top
coconut bikini top

This is a bikini top made of two halves of a coconut, or possibly one half apiece from two completely different coconuts. All jokes about coconut milk can be mailed to the Kingdom of Loathing home office in Pueblo, Colorado.

Type: shirt
Power: 100
Muscle Required: 35
Selling Price: 105 Meat.

Mysticality +5

(In-game plural: coconut bikini tops)
View metadata
Item number: 702
Description ID: 520243390
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Shore (Tropical Paradise Island Getaway)
Pelvic Gyration


  • Bikini top would not drop unless you had the Torso Awaregness skill.
  • Only dropped for female characters only, while male characters acquired the floral print shirt instead.
  • Is no longer obtainable since the Shore revamp.


See Also


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