Coal contact lenses

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coal contact lenses
coal contact lenses

Here's a great idea: little domes made of coal that you can put on your eyes to make yourself look like a snowman! Assuming your nose looks like a carrot.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Effect: The Perfect Snowman Disguise (50 Adventures)Makes you look like a Snowbrawler

(In-game plural: pairs of coal contact lenses)
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Item number: 8325
Description ID: 334043819
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

A Crowd of Adventurers

When Used

You put the bits of coal right on top of your eyes. Hey, your nose does look like a carrot! Or at least, I can tell you it does, and you won't know any different because you can't see anything.
Luckycap.gifYou acquire an effect: The Perfect Snowman Disguise
(duration: 50 Adventures)


  • Only drops to players with Monster Manuel installed in their Quest Log.


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