Clan hot dog stand

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Clan hot dog stand
Clan hot dog stand

This crate contains a fully-functional hot dog stand for your V. I. P. Lounge, complete with a hot dog guy to sell hot dogs to all of the members of your clan.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded
Free pull from Hagnk's

(In-game plural: Clan hot dog stands)
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Item number: 6582
Description ID: 346032932
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Mr. Store (3 Mr. Accessories)

When Used

You install the hot dog stand in your clan's VIP Lounge.


  • July 2013's item of the month from Mr. Store.
Its in-store description: Adds a fully-functional hot dog stand to your clan VIP Lounge, complete with a hot dog guy to sell hot dogs to all of the members of your clan.


  • Was not implemented until 2 hours before rollover on July 3rd, 2013.
  • On an unknown date on or before August 20, 2014, this item became a free pull from Hagnk's.


"6582" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Preceded by:
adventurer clone egg
Clan hot dog stand
July 2013
Succeeded by:
Folder Holder