Cigarette lighter
From TheKolWiki
This is a disposable cigarette lighter, which will come in handy if the times comes when you want to flick something. Or, y'know, set something on fire. (In-game plural: cigarette lighters) |
Obtained From
- A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters
- Blue Oyster cultist
- Items
- diabolic pizza (0-1) (warlike pizza)
- Other
- Intergnat demon summoning @ level 11
When Used
- Against a protester during the Zeppelin quest:
- Otherwise:
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You light the lighter and hold it against your opponent until your thumb hurts too much to keep going. It deals 50-60 damage before that happens. |
- When used on a protester during the Zeppelin quest, this item insta-kills them, and removes an additional 5-7 (same number as in use message) protesters from the zone. Note that this means that 6-8 protesters are killed this combat, as the one you're fighting also counts.
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