Choice Adventures by Number (100-199)

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100. Formerly, Louvre It or Leave It (The Death of Socrates)
101. Formerly, Louvre It or Leave It (Nighthawks)
102. Formerly, Louvre It or Leave It (Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte)
103. Formerly, Louvre It or Leave It (The Last Supper)
104. Formerly, Louvre It or Leave It (The Persistence of Memory)
105. Having a Medicine Ball
106. Strung-Up Quartet
107. Bad Medicine is What You Need
108. Aww, Craps
109. Dumpster Diving
110. The Entertainer
111. Malice in Chains
112. Please, Hammer
113. Knob Goblin BBQ
114. The Baker's Dilemma
115. Oh No, Hobo
116. The Singing Tree (Rustling)
117. Trespasser
118. When Rocks Attack
119. Check It Out Now
120. Ennui is Wasted on the Young
121. Next Sunday, A.D.
123. At Least It's Not Full Of Trash
125. No Visible Means of Support
126. Sun at Noon, Tan Us
127. No sir, away! A papaya war is on!
129. Do Geese See God?
130. Rod Nevada, Vendor
131. Dr. Awkward
132. Let's Make a Deal!
134. Wheel in the Pyramid, Keep on Turning (Initial visit)
135. Wheel in the Pyramid, Keep on Turning (Subsequent visits)
136. Peace Wants Love
137. An Inconvenient Truth
138. Purple Hazers
139. Bait and Switch
140. The Thin Tie-Dyed Line
141. Blockin' Out the Scenery (Frat Boy Ensemble)
142. Blockin' Out the Scenery (Frat Warrior Fatigues)
143. Catching Some Zetas
144. One Less Room Than In That Movie
145. Fratacombs (Filthy Hippy Disguise)
146. Fratacombs (War Hippy Fatigues)
147. Cornered!
148. Cornered Again!
149. How Many Corners Does this Stupid Barn Have!?
150. Another Adventure About BorderTown
151. Adventurer, $1.99
152. Lurking at the Threshold
153. Turn Your Head and Coffin
154. Doublewide
155. Skull, Skull, Skull
156. Pileup
157. Urning Your Keep
158. Lich in the Niche
159. Go Slow Past the Drawers
160. Lunchtime
161. Bureaucracy of the Damned
162. Between a Rock and Some Other Rocks
163. Melvil Dewey Would Be Ashamed
164. Down by the Riverside
165. Beyond Any Measure
166. Death is a Boat
167. It's a Fixer-Upper
168. Midst the Pallor of the Parlor
169. A Few Chintz Curtains, Some Throw Pillows...
170. La Vie Boheme
171. Backstage at the Rogue Windmill
172. Up in the Hippo Room
173. The Last Stand, Man
174. The Last Stand, Bra
177. The Blackberry Cobbler
178. Hammering the Armory
180. A Pre-War Dresser Drawer, Pa!
181. Chieftain of the Flies
182. Random Lack of an Encounter
184. That Explains All The Eyepatches
185. Yes, You're a Rock Starrr
186. A Test of Testarrrsterone
187. Arrr You Man Enough?
188. The Infiltrationist
189. O Cap'm, My Cap'm
191. Chatterboxing
193. Modular, Dude (1)
194. Modular, Dude (2)
197. Somewhat Higher and Mostly Dry
198. Disgustin' Junction
199. The Former or the Ladder
Choice Adventures (By Number)
1-99 | 100-199 | 200-299 | 300-399 | 400-499 | 500-599 | 600-699 | 700-799 | 800-899 | 900-999 | 1000-1099 | 1100-1199 | 1200-1299 | 1300-1399 | 1400-1499 | 1500-1599