Chocolate saucepan

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chocolate saucepan
chocolate saucepan

What's more useless than a saucepan made entirely of chocolate? Maybe a hatchet made of brie?

Type: potion
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: chocolate saucepans)
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Item number: 4465
Description ID: 894875363
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Tapatío, Retired Sauceror (Occurs with Legendary Regalia of the Saucemaestro equipped)
Cargo Cultist Shorts
What has it got in its pocketses? (pocket 438)

When Used

  • First use (per day):
You eat the chocolate saucepan; you had considered making hot chocolate out of it, but you would need another saucepan to melt it in, and that's just getting way too meta.
AdventuresYou gain 3 Adventures.
  • Second use (per day):
You eat the chocolate saucepan; you had considered making hot chocolate out of it, but you would need another saucepan to melt it in, and that's just getting way too meta.

This one doesn't taste as good as the last one did.

AdventuresYou gain 2 Adventures.
  • Third use (per day):
You eat the chocolate saucepan; you had considered making hot chocolate out of it, but you would need another saucepan to melt it in, and that's just getting way too meta.

You're starting to get tired of eating chocolate.

AdventuresYou gain 1 Adventure.
  • After the third use per day:
You don't think you'll enjoy any more of this chocolate today.


  • Non-Saucerors gain one fewer adventure per chocolate saucepan.
  • If you would gain no adventures from the chocolate, it is not used.
  • This Chocolate Phenomenon item share a counter with most other chocolate.

See Also


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