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Monster ID 1670
Locations A Crowd of Adventurers
Hit Points 0
Attack 0
Defense 0
Initiative 1000
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts arm, head, leg, tail, torso
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Cheetahman You're fighting Cheetahman

You tap the adventurer at the back of the line on the shoulder to ask him what's going on with this whole contest thing.

He turns around, faster than you've ever seen anyone turn around before. His bright green eyes with slit-like pupils consider you from among the spots on his orange, furry face. His ears perk up and rotate toward you.

Uh oh. You've heard about these guys. Human/cheetah hybrids. They gain speed and strength, but lose their ability to not act like a cat. And now that you've started him, he's acting like a startled cat.

Hit Message(s):

The cheetahman extends a single claw and rips you open from <head> to <nipple>. Oof! Ooh! Ooh!

The cheetahman bats at you playfully for a few minutes before taking a huge bite out of your <throat>. Ow! Oof! Ooh!

Critical Hit Message:

The cheetahman extends a single claw and rips you open from <arse> to <solar plexus>. Ow! Ouch! Ugh!

Miss Message(s):

He takes off at full speed toward a point about 30 feet away, skids to a halt, and runs back toward you just as fast.

He gets distracted by a piece of garbage that blows past, pawing at it for a few seconds before getting bored.

Fumble Message:

He takes off at full speed toward a point about 30 feet away, skids to a halt, and runs back toward you just as fast. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

You gain ~41 <substat>.

Occurs at A Crowd of Adventurers (Fastest Adventurer contest) in The Naughty Sorceress' Tower.