Cheap strix

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Cheap strix
Monster ID 1627
Locations The Roman Forum
Hit Points 75% of Defense
Attack Player's Moxie+1, min 10
Defense Player's Muscle+1, min 10
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum beast
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts beak, torso, wing
Strix stix, vampire pellet
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
cheap strix You're fighting a cheap strix

So a strix is a vampire owl. As if owls or vampires weren't scary enough by themselves. This one, though, not only wants to suck your blood, she wants you to want her. She needs you to need her.

You probably should just surrender.

Hit Message(s):

She bites you in the <throat>, just so she can see you cryin'. Argh! Eek! Ooh! Ooh! Ouch!

She gives you a look that will haunt your dreams, even if you call the dream police. Argh! Ooh! Eek! Ow! Ow! (spooky damage)

She claws you with her talons. Ugh! Eek! Ooh! Ow! Eek!

She divebombs you, sinking her beak into your jugular. Eek! Ooh! Argh! Ow! Ugh!

She wants to bite someone in the <ankle>, and tonight it's you. Ooh! Ugh! Oof! Argh! Ugh!

She swoops down and bites you in the <knee> until you can't take it. Ooh! Argh! Argh!

Critical Hit Message:

She cracks open your skull with her beak and crosses the blood-brain barrier with her vampire teeth. You may be all right after this, but you'll seem a little weird. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ow! Oof! Eek! Argh! Ugh!

Miss Message(s):

She tries to bite you in the <solar plexus>, but you can't take it, and move away.

She tries to claw you with her talons, but fails.

She divebombs you, but you say, "don't be cruel."

She tries to bite you in the <groin>, but you don't want her to see you cryin'.

She tries to bite you in the <foot>, but it looks like tonight it's not you.

She gives you a look that would haunt your dreams, except that you've already called the dream police.

Fumble Message:

She divebombs you, but you wave a torch over your head, and she seems to fear the flame. She flaps up away from you, going on a magical mystery tour before attacking again. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Owlstix.gifYou acquire an item: Strix stix (20% chance)*
Owlpellet.gifYou acquire an item: vampire pellet (2% chance)*

Occurs at The Roman Forum.


  • This monster and many of its messages are a reference to the American rock band Cheap Trick:
    • Wanting you to want her and needing you to need her, as well as the lines about "see you cryin'", refer to the song I Want You to Want Me and its lyrics.
    • "You should probably just surrender" refers to their 1978 single Surrender. The attack message that says you'll be alright, but seem a little weird refers to similar lyrics in this song as well.
    • The attack and miss messages that mention the "dream police" are a reference to either the album Dream Police or the song of the same name.
    • "Tonight it's you" and "tonight it's not you" in the attack and miss messages, respectively, refer to the song Tonight It's You.
    • Saying "Don't be cruel" in a miss message refers to the song Don't Be Cruel.
    • Going on a magical mystery tour in the fumble message refers to the Beatles song Magical Mystery Tour, which Cheap Trick also covered.
    • When the strix bites you in the <giblets> until you can't take it, that's a reference to the single I Can't Take It.