Chat Guide: Miscellaneous

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Chat Guide
Basics | Chat Commands | Game Commands | Channels | Miscellaneous


When you enter chat you will see the number of players in the chat channel; if you are the only player in that chat channel the message "There is currently one player in this channel, and that one player is you!" will replace it.

Chat Effects

Certain items and effects will also affect what you say in chat. Here's a list of everything in the game that affects chat and their availability in Hardcore.

Source Source Type Change Duration Cost Prereq In HC? Notes
Jazz Hands Item Occasionally adds to the end of messages:
  • "~jazz hands~"
20 turns Item Loss None Yes
Unmotivated Item Occasionally adds to the end of messages:

causes one of the following messages to be appended to your chat messages 10-11% of the time:

50 turns Item Loss None Yes
Liar's pants Pants Occasionally adds to the end of messages:
  • "No, really.",
  • "Seriously.",
  • "Trust Me.", or
  • "Yeah, that's the ticket!"
Always None No
  • Mr. Store item
  • This and origami riding crop cancel each other out
origami riding crop Weapon Occasionally adds to the end of messages:
  • ", heh heh heh.",
  • ", if you know what I mean.", or
  • ", wink wink, nudge nudge."
Always None No
  • Mr. Store item
  • This and Liar's pants cancel each other out
Drunkenness Booze Occasionally adds to the end of messages:
  • "-hic-"
Until rollover Boozetafarian or no dietary path Yes
  • Adds to messages only if you are within 5 Drunkenness of your limit.
wanged Effect
  • Certain abbreviations (thx, u, r, ur, k, y and ppl) will be replaced by their non-abbreviated equivalents.
  • Cancels the effect of the sword and the staph.
100 turns Item loss None Yes
  • Obtained from a wang
Canadianity Item Occasionally adds to the end of messages:
  • ", eh?"

and changes "out" to "oot" (e.g. about -> aboot)

3/10 turns Item loss None Yes
Gothy Item Occasionally breaks up message into 3-4 words per line, each line ending with a gothy word (agony, anguish, blackness, despair, fear, gloom, heart, loneliness, miasma, rain, soul, or torment). 10/20 turns Item loss None Yes
Puppet strings (Pull Your Strings) Item Causes victim to brag about you, trumping whatever the victim typed into their current channel. 1 chat message Item loss None Yes
Talking Like a Pirate Item Occasionally adds to the end of messages:
  • "Yarrr.",
  • "Arrr.",
  • "Avast ye!" or
  • "Ahoy, Matey!"
50 turns Item loss None Yes
sword behind inappropriate prepositions Weapon Changes your prepositions to inappropiate ones. Always None Yes
  • Triggers before any other effect, including the repetition filter
staph of homophones Weapon While this staff is equipped any word that has a homophone is replaced with one of the possible homophones Always None Yes
  • Triggers before any other effect, including the repetition filter
V for Vivala mask Accessory Gives red color to the first letter V of a word. Always None No
  • Mr. Store item
  • Only the first letter V in a word turns into a red V.
plastic vampire fangs Accessory

Changes the following words in chat:

  • "want" becomes "vant"
  • "suck" becomes "saahk"
  • "blood" becomes "blaahd"

Adds "Ah, ah, ah." to the end of the /count result when a valid item is found and counted

Always None No
The Gray Plague Unknown Messages would slowly fade to gray, occasionally adding "-cough-" at the end. Until cured None Yes
  • No longer available (plague occurred in 2005)
Tinnitus Item Occasionally adds to the end of messages:
  • "-rimshot-"
20 Turns Item Loss None Yes
Emotion Sickness Item Puts random words into italics 5/50 Turns Item Loss None Yes
Bruised Jaw Item Changes 1/3 of letters a-z to 'm', and A-Z to 'M'. 10 Turns Item Loss None No
B-b-brr! Item Occasionally adds to the end of messages:
  • "*brr!*"

and randomly causes stuttering (e.g. cold -> c-c-c-cold)

10 Turns Item Loss None No
Single-Eyed Vision Item Adds various things to other people's text messages 20 Turns Item Loss None No
There is No Spoon Item Occasionally makes your text green and flashy 5 Turns Item Loss None No
  • Obtained from a Red Pill
  • Each chat message consumes a turn of the effect
Eso Sí Que Es Item Inserts Spanish accents into your messages 10 Turns Item Loss
6 Fullness
None Yes
purple prose Item Changes random words to purple 3 chat messages. Item Loss None Yes
Best effect ever Item Changes every other word to "dick", "butt", "fart", or "boner". 69 turns Item Loss None Yes
SuperStar Buff Adds a gold star () next to a player's name. 5-20 Turns 5 MP None No
It's Ridiculous Item Makes every number said in chat (in word form, so "8" wouldn't be effected but "eight" would) increase by one (so "three" would turn to "four"), from "one" to "ten" (also including homophones, so "too" would change to "three"). 111 / 11 Turns Item Loss / Daily None No
The Crown of Ed the Undying Hat Occasionally emits a message describing the thoughts of someone in the chat channel, as a message beginning <Playername> is thinking .... Always None Path
Golden Gum Item Causes your chat messages to become bold and gold. 3 chat messages Item Loss None Yes
Lolsipop Item Causes your chat messages to become a random color. 10 chat messages Item Loss None Yes
  • Obtained from Lolsipop
  • The random colors appear different for all users in chat
  • Additional instances of Lolsipop stack with itself
  • Is overriden by golden gum
So Much Holiday Fun! Item Causes your chat messages to become festively colored. 3 turns/chat messages Item Loss None No
  • Obtained from opening a gift package containing Holiday Fun!
  • The duration of the buff decreases by 1 for each chat message sent with this effect
Pirate Bellow Skill 12x12skull.gif Adds a skull and crossbones symbol to the start and end of the next message you say in chat, while also making your text bold. 12x12skull.gif 1 chat message 11 MP None Yes
LOV Emotionizer Item 12x12heart.png Adds a heart symbol to the start and end of the your next 3 chat messages. 12x12heart.png 3 chat messages Item Loss None Yes
  • Obtained from being the target of a LOV Emotionizer
  • Stacks with Pirate Bellow
On Safari Skill Replaces random words with various animal noises (in italics): bark, bleat, bray, buzz, caw, chirp, cry, growl, hiss, mew, oink, plop, purr, quack, ribbit, screech, snort, trumpet 10 turns/word replacements 10 MP None No
  • Obtained from casting the non-combat skill Experience Safari
  • The duration of the buff decreases by 1 for each word replaced with this effect
  • Hovering your mouse over a word affected by this will reveal the original word that was replaced
  • Cannot be cast on those in Hardcore, but can be cast on yourself even if you are in Hardcore
vampyric cloake Back Item Causes the letters A, B, O, and the word "blood" in your chat message to become dark red Always None Yes
totes PvP When chatting in /pvp, adds the word "totes" to the end of every message. Until the next PvP fight None Yes
  • Obtained from attacking (or being attacked by) a player with totes
  • When one player gains the totes the other player loses the totes
  • The chat command /totescarriers will list the players who currently have totes
Harpooned and Marooned Skill Replaces random words with a different word that rhymes (in italics). 100 turns/word replacements Item Loss None No
  • Obtained from a cartoon harpoon
  • The duration of the buff decreases by 1 for each word replaced with this effect
  • Hovering your mouse over a word affected by this will reveal the original word that was replaced
Y2K Item Replaces any Y's to K's, when it's the first letter of a word (or the only letter), when posting a message in chat while it is being worn. Always None No

Of the chat effects that only sometimes fire ("-hic-", "eh?", etc), only one will fire on a single message.

Interactive Bots

  • chatbot (#142302) is a multipurpose bot who responds to chat, rolls dice in /games, announces the current song playing on Radio KoL in /radio, provides useful game information and plays games. For more information, private message chatbot with the message, "help".
  • Haiku Oracle (#464776) is a multipurpose bot used for strawberrying a player, telling a joke, flipping a coin, and answering yes or no questions Magic 8-Ball style. All of this is done both in haiku and in /haiku, coincidentally.

See Also: Bots, Buffbot

Special Key Bindings

  • [Modifier]+UpArrow and [Modifier]+DownArrow will cycle through your recently typed chat window entries. [Modifier]+LeftArrow and [Modifier]+RightArrow will cycle through your chat tabs, if tabbed chat is enabled. In your chat options, you can set the required modifier key to Shift, Control, or Alt, or disable these bindings entirely.

Shout Filter

Disabled March 8, 2011:
The shout filter was a filter that prevented people posting in more than 40% capital letters and exclamation marks (!). Any message that contained more than 40% capital letters and exclamation marks was re-posted as "[shouting]". Posting a "[shouting]" post following another "[shouting]" post acted as a repetition, even if the messages' contents were different. There was no way to turn the shout filter off, but it was disabled in clan chat.

Repetition Filter

Disabled March 8, 2011:
The repetition filter was a filter that prevented people posting the exact same text, or repetitive characters into open chat more than once. It resulted in a message coming back to you saying Repetition. You were still able to /msg a person the same text more than once.

Chat Guide
Basics | Chat Commands | Game Commands | Channels | Miscellaneous