Chat Guide: Game Commands
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Starting in 2008, CDMoyer began implementing extensive chat commands for in-game actions. Much of the documentation listed here is taken from CDMoyer's forum posts on the subject.
Multiple game commands can be strung together using "&&" (for example "/cook plain pizza && /eat plain pizza"), which will execute those operations in order. They can also be placed into macros.
Fuzzy matching
These commands use fuzzy matching to identify the items, outfits, skills, and other things you want to use. This means the commands will attempt to accept partial names and even initials (i.e. "bor" for "bottle of rum"). Matching the start of a phrase or an exact acronym takes precedence over containing a phrase.
Be careful, since inattentive typing can have frustrating results. "/buy 11 mm" (instead of mmj) will buy 11 tenderizing hammers and not the ten-times cheaper magical mystery juice you intended.
All (or nearly all) of the gameplay chat commands support an "interrogation mode" which lets you test what the fuzzy matching will match. Simply add a question mark (?) directly to the command, for example: "/eat? pp".
Crafting commands
- /cook
- /mix
- /ply
- /smith
- /paste
- /make
- Usage: [number] [item]
- Examples:
- /cook 3 plain pizza
- /mix roll in the hay
- /make 2 meat stack
[number] is optional, and if it is omitted, 1 item will be crafted. [item] must be the name, partial name or initials of an item in your discovery list for that crafting discipline. Be careful, play around with it before you decide to cook 500 of something and find out that the fuzzy matching matched something you didn't intend. Keep in mind, the matching is based on the discovery list of your current character! (If multiple items are determined to be equally good matches, through magic, it will give you a list and tell you to be more specific.) Note that /make specifically refers to making the three meat items (meat paste, meat stack and Dense meat stack) -- try using the specific type of crafting such as /paste for pastables or /cook for food.
These commands will trigger crafting, as though you clicked the one-click crafting link inside of the crafting section. This means that they will use turns as normal, fail if you don't have the ingredients and other sane things.
Equipment commands
- /outfit
- Usage: /outfit [the name of a custom outfit or ID of a normal outfit]
- This will equip a normal outfit by name or ID number or custom outfit by name.
- Using "/outfit last" or "/outfit previous" will equip "Your Previous Outfit" (unless you have a custom outfit of the same name, which will take precedence).
- Using "/outfit none", "/outfit nothing", "/unequip all", "/outfit naked", or "/outfit birthday" will remove all equipment (unless you have a custom outfit of the same name, which will take precedence).
- If the name matches more than one outfit, the following message is output in chat:
- Too many outfits found (you rockstar), be more specific: <outfit list>.
- /outfit
- Usage: /outfit c: [ID of a custom outfit]
- This will equip one of your custom outfits by number rather than name.
- /equip
- Usage: /equip [slot] [item]
- This puts the selected item into that slot of your equipment. (Where slot is one of (shorthand): Weapon (W), Hat (H), Off-Hand (O), Accessory1 (1), Accessory2 (2), Accessory3 (3), Container (C), Shirt (S), Pants (P), or Familiar (F))
- /unequip
- Usage: /unequip [slot]
- Take off the item you have equipped in the specified slot.
Item commands
- /buy
- Usage: /buy [item available from an NPC store]
- You'll be taken to the store and your purchase automagically made.
- (Yes, you can: /outfit bugbear && /buy pie tin && /outfit last)
- /chug
- Synonym for /drink.
- /closet
- Usage: /closet [number] [item name/initials]
- Put items in your closet.
- /count
- Usage: /count [item name/initials]
- Receive feedback in chat about the quantity you own of a particular item (in Inventory).
- If fewer than three characters are specified when searching for an item, the following message is output in chat:
- You must specify at least three characters for the desired item.
- If there is no match to the specified item in your inventory, the following message is output in chat:
- Sorry, I can't figure out what "[item name/initials]" means. Perhaps you have 0.
- /eat
- Usage: /eat [number] [name of Food/Drink]
- This will consume the specified food/drink. The number is optional; if it is left out the command defaults to 1.
- If there is no match to the specified food/drink in your inventory (or the item you entered isn't food), the following message is output in chat:
- Sorry, you don't seem to have that food. ("[name of Food/Drink]")
- /drink
- Usage: /drink [number] [booze]
- This consumes the specified booze. The number is optional; if it is left out the command defaults to 1.
- If there is no match to the specified booze in your inventory (or the item you entered isn't booze), the following message is output in chat:
- Sorry, you don't seem to have that booze. ("[name of booze]")
- /examine
- Usage: /examine [item]
- Example: /examine twinkly wad
- Pops up the item description for the selected item. Depending on your browser's suspicion of popups, you may need to enable the use of popup windows for the KoL server you're connected to for this to work.
- /pull
- Usage: /pull [number] [item/initials]
- Pull from Hagnk's.
- /pulls
- Usage: /pulls
- Tells you how many items you can pull from Hagnk's today.
- /uncloset
- Usage: /closet [number] [item name/initials]
- Remove items from your closet.
- /use
- Usage: /use [number] [consumable item]
- Example: /use 5 twinkly wad
- This will use the specified number of the selected consumable item, i.e. spleen items and potions. The number is optional; if it is left out the command defaults to 1.
- The command also supports * as a quantity, meaning "use all."
- /pulverize
- /smash
- Usage: /smash [item]
- Allows you to pulverize certain items in your inventory.
Effects and skills
- /cast
- Usage: /cast [times] [skill]
- Example: /cast 5 leash
- This will cause you to cast the selected skill the specified number of times. The number is optional; if it is left out the command defaults to 1.
- The command also supports * as a quantity, meaning "cast as many as I can with my current MP."
- Usage on other players: /cast [times] [buff] @ [player name or id]
- Cast a buff on another player. You must specify the full name or player id.
- /uneffect
- /shrug
- Usage: /shrug [effect]
- Remove an effect. If it is a buff, it will be removed.
- If you wish to use a soft green echo eyedrop antidote potion, you must use the exclamatory form of the commands: /uneffect! or /shrug!
- /autoattack
- /aa
- Usage: /aa [Combat Skill]
- This will change your current auto-attack to the designated skill. You can use a partial name, and the game will try to figure out which skill you're trying to set.
- /aa None or /aa disabled will toggle auto-attack off.
Other commands
- /ann
- Usage: /ann [message]
- Allows clan dungeon administrators to make an announcement in dungeon channels.
- /bjornify or /buttfart
- Usage: /bjornify [familiar name, type or ID]
- Examples:
- /bjornify smiling rat
- /bjornify my familiar name
- /bjornify 37
- /buttfart Helix Fossil
- Put the chosen familiar in your Buddy Bjorn, if you have it equipped.
- /chamois
- Usage: /chamois
- Uses a chamois from the bucket
- /chamoisgoagain
- Usage: /chamoisgoagain
- Uses a chamois from the bucket and starts an adventure in The Slime Tube.
- /count your chickens
- Usage: /count your chickens
- Displays the following message in chat:
- Not before they've hatched! Ok, 42 chickens. AH HA HA HA!
- /enthrone
- Usage: /enthrone [familiar name, type or ID]
- Examples:
- /enthrone misshapen animal skeleton
- /enthrone my familiar name
- /enthrone 20
- Put the chosen familiar on your Crown of Thrones, if you have it equipped.
- /familiar
- /fam
- Usage: /familiar [familiar name, type or ID]
- Examples:
- /familiar spooky gravy fairy
- /familiar my familiar name
- /familiar 56
- Take the chosen familiar out of your terrarium.
- /familiar none will put your familiar back in your terrarium, leaving you to go alone.
- /go
- Usage: /go [somewhere]
- Example: /go desert beach
- There's a variety of things that [somewhere] can match, and this will redirect your main window to that place.
- If "somewhere" can be matched to multiple locations the following message is displayed:
- Too many places to go, be more specific:[list of locations]
- If "somewhere" cannot be matched to a location the following message is displayed:
- Sorry, I don't know how to take you to '[somewhere]' (or Funkytown, for that matter.)
- /go fuck yourself
- Usage: /go fuck yourself
- Logs you out of KoL, pushing the logout page into the middle frame.
- Also displays the following message in chat:
- Well, I never! That's uncalled for.
- /goto
- Usage: /goto [unsanitized Javascript string]
- Interprets string as a Loathing web page to load in the main pane.
- You can do anything at
. Anything at all. The only limit is yourself.
- /logout
- Usage: /logout
- Logs you out of KoL, pushing the logout page into the middle frame.
- Also displays the following message in chat:
- Heavens to Murgatroid! Exit, stage left!
- /make it so dry
- Usage: /make it so dry
- Displays the following message in chat:
- I'm gonna make it soooo dry for you.
- /note
- /notes
- Usage: /notes [text]
- Adds a line to the bottom of the notes section of your Quest Log.
- /redeem
- Usage: /redeem [code]
- Awards a special item given a special code. Special items include Junior Adventurer's kit, KoL Con 3-D Glasses, styrofoam peanuts, and a superhero mask.
- Typing an incorrect code generates a green message stating "Invalid code.".
- Trying codes rapidly after receiving the "Invalid code" message generates a green message stating "Not so fast.", most likely to prevent brute force from earning players items.
- On 22 July 2006, at approximately 22:55 Pacific Daylight Time, Xenophobe issued the following system message in chat:
- In general, we'd prefer if you didn't trade for redeem codes. However, if you do, know that there's no secure way to trade for them, and you can be scammed, and we won't have your back.
- /rollover
- Usage: /rollover
- Displays the time remaining until rollover. Outputs the following in chat:
- It is currently R-05:43:38.
- /searchmall
- Usage: /searchmall [item]
- Navigates the middle frame to the mall search page and searches for the specified item.Also outputs the following in chat:
- Searching the mall for '[item]'
- If no item is specified, the following message will be displayed in chat:
- Searching the mall for tea and no tea. Fatal logic error! Please provide search term.
- /servant
- Usage: /servant [servant type]
- As Actually Ed the Undying, take the chosen servant out of your pyramid.
- /terminal
- Usage: /terninal [Source Terminal input]
- Submits command text to the Source Terminal, if accessible. Outputs the following in chat:
- ATDT1137374242 ... [input]
- /whitelist
- Usage: /whitelist [clanname]
- Changes your clan to one in which you are whitelisted. Outputs the following in chat:
- Now pledging your allegiance to '[clanname]'
- /wipemybar
- Usage: /wipemybar
- Resets your Combat Action Bar. This feature was implemented with a long list of warnings which you should read about first.
- /wish
- Usage: /wish [wish]
- Submits command text to the genie bottle, if accessible. Outputs the following in chat:
- Your wish may or may not be answered in the order in which it is received.
- Typing one of the four secret words for the strange leaflet
- Usage: Any of the words, any capitalization.
- Displays the following message in chat:
- Please don't give away secrets in the chat.
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- Making it soooo dry for you is a reference to the CollegeHumor video Blowjob Girl.
- Having tea and no tea is an important part of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy text adventure game.