Charity's choker

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Charity's choker
Charity's choker

This is a black velvet necklace designed to fit tightly around Charity the Zombie Hunter's pale white neck. It'd go nicely with some bright red lipstick and huge brown doe eyes, if you happen to have either of those.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Effect: Beginning at Home (100 Adventures)Makes you look like Charity the Zombie Hunter

(In-game plural: Charity's chokers)
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Item number: 5800
Description ID: 899043052
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Zombie Slayer Run
Charity the Zombie Hunter

When Used

You fasten the choker around your neck and practice saying "two by four." Until the clasp breaks and this thing pops off, you're looking like Charity the Zombie Hunter.
Choker.gifYou acquire an effect: Beginning at Home
(duration: 100 Adventures)



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