From TheKolWiki
Clubs are usually 1-handed melee weapons, and are best used by muscle classes. In particular Seal Clubbers who are wielding a club will always hit with their Smack skills.
The throwing wrench, can of maces, and boxing glove on a spring are ranged clubs. Fathom that.
You club <it> like there's no tomorrow, doing X damage. BAM! WHAMMO! BONK!
You club <it> upside the head for X damage. SPLAT! BOINK! BARF!
You deliver a Pesci-esque blow to the back of <its> head. X points' worth of blood ooze out of <its> ears. BOINK! POW! BOINK!
You give your opponent a nasty case of club elbow. By which I mean you club <its> elbow for X damage. WHACK! SPLAT! WHAM!
You hit <it> in the ear with your club, dealing X damage. That had to hurt. WHAMMO! BAM! WHACK!
You pull a Tonya Harding, hiring a random passerby to hit <it> in the knee with your club for X damage. ZOT! BOINK! SOCKO!
You viciously bludgeon <it>, dealing X damage. POW! BAM! SOCKO!
The first rule of hitting with a club is you do not talk about hitting with a club. The second rule of hitting with a club is you do X damage. BOOF! BIFF! WHAMMO!
You give <it> a knuckle sandwich, and since <it> still looks hungry, you follow up with a club sandwich for X damage. SOCKO! ZOT! WHAMMO!
You induct <it> into the clubbed club, clubbing them for X damage. SMACK! SOCKO! WHAMMO!
- "The first rule of hitting with a club" refers to Fight Club: "The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club."
Pages in category "Clubs"
The following 134 pages are in this category, out of 134 total.