From TheKolWiki
Axes, are 2-handed melee weapons. They are best used by those who would muscle in on their opponents.
With one swift blow, you cleave <its> skull, dealing X damage. BIFF! WHACK! SPLAT!
You axe <it> a question. Namely, "would you like to be hit for X damage?" Apparently, the answer is "yes." WHAM! SMACK! WHAMMO!
You axe <it> a question. Specifically, "What does it feel like to have just been hit for X damage?" KERBLAM! BAM! WHAM!
You make a dumb joke centered around the phrase "and my axe," and then hit <it> with your <axe> for X damage. ZAP! BARF! BARF!
You use your <axe> to give <it> a cloven foot, dealing X damage in the process. BAM! POW! BONK!
- "And my axe" is a reference to a scene from The Fellowship of the Ring, where as the members of the Fellowship offer their support to Frodo, Gimli delivers the (much-parodied) line "And my axe!"
Pages in category "Axes"
The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.