Candy cane sword cane

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candy cane sword cane
candy cane sword cane

It's a cane. It's a sword. It's a candy cane. Basically, it's the best of all possible worlds when it comes to ways to walk, fight, or eat!

Type: weapon (1-handed cane)
Damage: 10 - 20
Cannot be traded or discarded

Weapon Damage +50%
Never Fumble
Grants 250 Adventures of Sugar Rush at Rollover
Weapon Damage +5
All Attributes +10
Whip out a sword during fights and other adventures

(In-game plural: candy cane sword canes)
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Item number: 11363
Description ID: 113452664
View in-game: view

Obtained From

wrapped candy cane sword cane


  • Grants the combat skills:
  • The number of turns of Peppermint Rush granted by the skills starts at 30? per use, and decreases by 1 each time one of the skills is used.
  • Each skill can be used 11 times per day.
  • Each skill use adds +5 to the Weapon Damage enchantment.
    • With 22 skill uses the maximum is "Weapon Damage +115".
  • While equipped adds an extra option to the following non-combat adventures:
Zone Adventure Choice Result Adv cost? Exits NC? Once per...
A Monorail Station Lyle, LyleCo CEO <not a choice> 10 turns of Peppermint Rush first visit of the day n/a n/a Day
The Sleazy Back Alley Aww, Craps Threaten them with your candy cane sword 72-80 meat + 18-25 Mox Substats Yes Yes Unlimited
The Sleazy Back Alley Dumpster Diving Spear something interesting with your candy sword 11-leaf clover Yes Yes Day
The Overgrown Lot Lots of Options Perform gazelle through the grass with your candy cane sword 1 each What's Up, Doc? herb, 2 piles of grass clippings No No Day
Madness Bakery Bagelmat-5000 Jam your candy cane sword into the machine peppermint donut (1 size good food with Peppermint Rush) n/a No Day
The Haunted Bedroom One Simple Nightstand Thump the nighstand[sic] with your candy cane sword cane lucky-ish pill No Yes Day
The Haunted Library Take a Look, it's in a Book! (Rise) Read "Ten Times Sword Canes have Changed History" random sword + Substats n/a No Day
The Shore, Inc. Welcome to The Shore, Inc. Fencing Competition and Festival 2 Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip, all stats, 100 turns of Martially-Minded Yes Yes Ascension
The Black Forest All Over the Map Use your candy cane sword to clear your sight lines +8 Black Market progress n/a No Ascension
The Spooky Forest Arboreal Respite Slice some fruit off a nearby tree with your candy cane sword 3 random fruit No Yes Day
The Daily Dungeon It's Almost Certainly a Trap Use your candy cane sword complete, no turn spent, ~40-50 random substats No Yes Unlimited
The Daily Dungeon Second Chest Pry off a loose panel with your candy cane sword fat loot token No No Ascension
South of the Border Finger-Lickin'... Death. Teach them a lesson about animal cruelty 500 Meat; 30 adventures of Animal Lover (+2 Familiar Exp / combat) No Yes Day
The Penultimate Fantasy Airship Random Lack of an Encounter Pry open a hatch with your candy cane sword umbrella, metallic A, SGEEA and a Penultimate Fantasy chest Yes Yes Unlimited
The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement) Out in the Open Source Hack the computer system 999 meat, ~90-250 all stats Yes Yes Unlimited
A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters Bench Warrant Scare protesters off with your candy cane sword x2 to protestor removal Yes Yes Unlimited
The Copperhead Club Behind the 'Stache Cut the gong loose and knock over the ice bucket priceless diamond + effect of choice 1 (gong cut) No Yes Ascension
Inside the Palindome No sir, away! A papaya war is on! Crouch, poised with your hand on your candy cane sword cane hilt Gain 5 papayas No No Day
The eXtreme Slope Duffel on the Double Slice the bag apart with your candy cane sword lucky-ish pill, snowboarder pants, eXtreme scarf Yes Yes Unlimited
An Overgrown Shrine (Northeast) Air Apparent Try and take the statue apart with your candy cane sword 100x level meat No No Day
The Hidden Apartment Building Action Elevator Climb on top of the elevator car +1 level of Cursed No No Ascension
The Hidden Bowling Alley Life is Like a Cherry of Bowls Cut down the pins with your candy cane sword -1 bowling ball needed No No Ascension
The Defiled Cranny Death Rattlin' Jab your candy cane sword into the rattlin' one -11 evil, +50 each substat Yes Yes Day
The Hippy Camp (Verge of War) The Thin Tie-Dyed Line Threaten a passerby for directions redirect to war start NC (Blockin' Out the Scenery) No No Day
The Hippy Camp (Verge of War) Bait and Switch Wake the cadet up with your candy cane sword redirect to war start NC (Blockin' Out the Scenery) No No Day
Orcish Frat House (Verge of War) Catching Some Zetas Wake the pledge up with your candy cane sword redirect to war start NC (Fratacombs) No No Day
Orcish Frat House (Verge of War) One Less Room Than In That Movie Pry open the hatch off to the side redirect to war start NC (Fratacombs) No No Day
The "Fun" House Adventurer, $1.99 Poke the clown face in the eye with your cane +25% clownosity No No Day
  • Is automatically placed in your inventory for you at the beginning of your run, with the message:
Because it looks like a cane, the afterlife security guard let you walk right through with your candy cane sword.
Ccsword.gifYou acquire an item: candy cane sword cane


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