Candied sweet potatoes

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candied sweet potatoes
candied sweet potatoes

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of sweet potatoes, and would rather just eat the marshmallows by themselves, but a lot of people seem to enjoy this orange goop so who am I to judge?

Type: food (awesome)
Size: 2
Selling Price: 25 Meat.
Effect: Thanksgetting (20 Adventures)+40% Meat from Monsters
+20% Item Drops from Monsters
+1 to Familiar Weight

(In-game plural: dishes of candied sweet potatoes)
View metadata
Item number: 9171
Description ID: 882321148
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Ezcook.gif raw sweet potato mini-marshmallow dispenser
Equals.gif candied sweet potatoes

When Consumed

You eat the candied sweet potatoes, and presumably you think they're delicious.
AdventuresYou gain 8-10 Adventures. (avg. 9)
You gain 13-20 Enchantedness.
Leftovers.gifYou acquire an item: leftovers
(You gain 2 Fullness.)


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