CSA bravery badge

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CSA bravery badge
CSA bravery badge

This "badge" is really more of a sticker. The label on the adhesive backing reads "Apply directly to skin when bravery is necessary."

Type: potion
Selling Price: 23 Meat.
Effect: Standard Issue Bravery (20 Adventures)Muscle +30
Mysticality +30
Moxie +30

(In-game plural: CSA bravery badges)
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Item number: 5747
Description ID: 578604698
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Camp Scout backpack

When Consumed

You peel the adhesive backing off of the badge and press it to your bicep. As it dissolves into your skin, you feel courage welling up inside you. Also your mouth suddenly fills up with the taste of vinegar. That's probably nothing to worry about.
Fratwarpin.gifYou acquire an effect: Standard Issue Bravery
(duration: 20 Adventures)


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