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Peggy Gustafson, Proprietress Peggy Gustafson, Proprietress
  • Before being assigned a Covert Crimbo buddy:

Hi, I'm Peggidriel Storeminder -- er, I mean, Peggy Gustafson! Welcome to the CRIMBCO store, the best place to spend all your hard-earned CRIMBCO scrip!

Okay, so it's the only place to spend CRIMBCO scrip. So go ahead and spend some!

  • After being assigned a Covert Crimbo buddy:

Hi, I'm Peggidriel Storeminder -- er, I mean, Peggy Gustafson! Welcome to the CRIMBCO store, the best place to spend all your hard-earned CRIMBCO scrip!

Okay, so it's the only place to spend CRIMBCO scrip. So go ahead and pick up a few things for yourself and your clan, but don't forget your Covert Crimbo buddy!

I mean, how would you like it if your Covert Crimbo donor forgot you?

Items Sold

Item: Price:
Paperclip.gif paperclip Scrip.gif 5
Coffeecup.gif Workytime Tea Scrip.gif 10
Lanyard.gif CRIMBCO lanyard Scrip.gif 25
Blankout.gif bottle of Blank-Out Scrip.gif 50
Copier.gif portable photocopier Scrip.gif 200
Book4.gif CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) Scrip.gif 1,000
Book4.gif CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2) Scrip.gif 1,000
Book4.gif CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) Scrip.gif 1,000
Book4.gif CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) Scrip.gif 1,000
Book4.gif CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) Scrip.gif 1,000
Crate.gif deluxe fax machine Scrip.gif 10,000

Covert Crimbo Gifts

Item: Price:
Crimbcomug.gif CRIMBCO mug Scrip.gif 10
Wine.gif CRIMBCO wine Scrip.gif 20
Motiposter.gif motivational poster Scrip.gif 20
Bathballbag.gif bath ball gift set Scrip.gif 50
Jambox.gif slow jam collection Scrip.gif 50
Basket.gif Dickory Farms Gift Basket Scrip.gif 100

If you have CRIMBCO scrip:

(You have X CRIMBCO scrip.)

If you don't have any CRIMBCO scrip:

(You don't have any CRIMBCO scrip. Slacker.)


  • Was located in CRIMBCO Headquarters during Crimbo 2010.
  • Covert Crimbo Gifts are sent directly to your Covert Crimbo Buddy (even if he or she is in Ronin/Hardcore). You may include a note (200 characters maximum) with each gift.