The CRIMBCO Cubicles were found in the CRIMBCO Headquarters. They disappeared on January 1, 2011.
Combat Adventures
overflowing inbox -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: 10 CRIMBCO scrip
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 10 • Substat Gain: 2.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 20
- Monster Defense: 10
- Hit Points: 10
- Initiative: 100
- Elemental Alignment: None
After First Promotion
After Second Promotion
Bored adventures will not occur with 50% boredom or less. The higher your boredom, the higher their likelihood of occurring.
Tome of Tropes -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: 5 CRIMBCO scrip
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 10 • Substat Gain: 2.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 20
- Monster Defense: 10
- Hit Points: 10
- Initiative: 100
- Elemental Alignment: None
Book of Faces -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: 5 CRIMBCO scrip
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 10 • Substat Gain: 2.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 20
- Monster Defense: 10
- Hit Points: 10
- Initiative: 100
- Elemental Alignment: None
chatty coworker -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: 5 CRIMBCO scrip
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 10 • Substat Gain: 2.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 20
- Monster Defense: 10
- Hit Points: 10
- Initiative: 100
- Elemental Alignment: None
water cooler -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: 5 CRIMBCO scrip
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 10 • Substat Gain: 2.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 20
- Monster Defense: 10
- Hit Points: 10
- Initiative: 100
- Elemental Alignment: None
At 100% boredom:
Best Game Ever -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: BGE merchandise order form
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: Player's Buffed Moxie • Substat Gain: Player's Buffed Moxie/4 • Moxie for No Hit*: ∞
- Monster Defense: Player's Buffed Muscle
- Hit Points: 75% of Player's Buffed Muscle
- Initiative: 100
- Elemental Alignment: None
Non-combat Adventures
- Monsters in this zone will scale to your level only if you are equipped with a CRIMBCO lanyard.
- Defeating any monster here (except for the BGE) increases your Boredom.
Boredom +1%
- Defeating one of the low-boredom monsters always results in the following:
An elf on roller skates whizzes by and tosses you a ten-scrip note. "Keep up the good wooooo --" he says, as he barrels out of sight.
- Defeating one of the higher-boredom monsters (except for the BGE) always results in the following:
An elf on roller skates whizzes by and tosses you a five-scrip note. "Keep slackin' off, and they DOCK ya!" he sneers, before skating away.
- Defeating the post-promotion slideshow monster always results in the following:
An elf on roller skates whizzes by and tosses you a 20-scrip note. "That slide show looked brutal -- there's some hazard pay for ya!" he says, skating away.
- Defeating the endless conference call monster always results in the following:
An elf pushing a wheelbarrow full of CRIMBCO scrip wheels by and hands you three ten-scrip notes. "That's some hazard pay and some overtime for sitting through that whole call," he says.
- Casting CLEESH makes office life less boring, and prevents your Boredom from increasing. It also prevents you from earning scrip.
- As you become more and more bored, the frequency of the getting distracted increases.
- Adventuring here before visting Mr. Mination's Office gives the message: "You can't get to the cubicles without an ID badge. You should go upstairs, talk to the boss, and see if you can't get a job here."
- Trying to enter after receiving the Uh oh... and Climbing That Ladder adventures but before visiting the office gives the following message:
Didn't you hear the announcement? You're supposed to report to Mr. Mination's office.
- The "...and they DOCK ya!" message refers to the movie The Hudsucker Proxy in which the mail room manager explains the company policies to the main character.