Buckler buckle
From TheKolWiki
This is a buckle with straps on it. This thing could be used by a properly trained Turtle Tamer to make a variety of bucklers. The bucklers will then allow various bucklees to be buckled. (In-game plural: buckler buckles) |
Obtained From
- Stores
- The Meatsmith (100 Meat)
- barskin buckler
- clownskin buckler
- catskin buckler
- demon buckler
- ghast iron heater shield
- gnauga hide buckler
- gravyskin buckler
- hippo skin buckler
- meat shield
- penguin skin buckler
- yakskin buckler
- Requires Armorcraftiness to be used.
- Before minor update from May 13, 2009 eelskin buckler and spongy shield were made using this item.
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