Brother Smothers, the Deep Fat Friar
From TheKolWiki
Brother Smothers is located in the Copse of the Deep Fat Friars.
Welcome, [Playername]! I am Brother Smothers. Now that our copse has been freed of its taint, we can get back to our regular routine of research and drinking. Speaking of drinking, you look like you might like a touch of the sauce every now and again. Would you care to receive a blessing that might help you in your endeavors?
Blessed Be |
Welcome, [Playername]! It looks like you've already received a blessing today, so please leave us to our work.
Blessed Be |
Brother Smothers smiles and rubs some ashes on your face.
![]() | You acquire an effect: Brother Smothers's Blessing (duration: 20 Adventures) |
- This friar's name references the comedy team of Dick and Tom Smothers, the Smothers Brothers. Tom Smothers owns Remick Ridge Vineyard and the Smothers Winery.