Bronze handcuffs
From TheKolWiki
There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.
(In-game plural: pairs of bronze handcuffs) |
Obtained From
- Kegger in the Woods
- Oh, No! Five-Oh! (with at least 1 orquette's phone number)
When Used
You slap one of the cuffs around your opponent's wrists, and one of them around one of your own. Looks like you're going to get to know each other a little better over the course of this fight. |
Attempting to run from combat after using:
- You can't run away from something you're handcuffed to.
- Causes you and your opponents attacks to never miss
- Is not automatically consumed when used in combat
- But will break according to some unknown mechanism
You try to attach the handcuffs to your opponent, but they break. Stupid cheap bronze handcuffs. You throw away the bits in a fit of pique. |
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