bottle of popskull
This is a bottle of very, very low-grade booze. Apparently the skullery maids needed a little help escaping from the tedium of their jobs, and the proper function of their livers.
I wonder what you'd get if you combined popskull with rotgut. Probably some kind of really nasty snake.
Type: booze (decent) Potency: 2 Selling Price: 35 Meat. (In-game plural: bottles of popskull) | |
Obtained From
- The Haunted Kitchen
- skullery maid
- Skills
- Summon hobo underling/Ask the hobo for a drink (0-2)
- Stores
- The Gnomish Micromicrobrewery (sometimes) (105 Meat)
When Consumed
You put the popskull in the calibrations, show it to be ornamental, then drink it.
You gain 2 Drunkenness.
- If you are reduced to 0 HP by this, you will be Beaten Up for 4 adventures instead of 3.
- Popskull, rotgut, and snake juice all refer to bad liquor.
- Despite the item description, you can't combine this with a shot of rotgut.
- "Popskull" is a Meat Puppets song from the 1991 EP Forbidden Places. It contains the lyrics, "Love flies on wings / Put it in the calibrations / Show it to be ornamental".
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