Booze bindle

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booze bindle
booze bindle

Several for the road.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 30 Meat.

(In-game plural: booze bindles)
View metadata
Item number: 11007
Description ID: 621976996
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

An Unusually Quiet Barroom Brawl
traveling hobo

When Used

Oliver bindle.gif
You untie the bindle and dump out its boozy contents.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]


  • When used, drops 2 random crappy boozes, and 1 decent booze (50% of the time).


"11007" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.