Book of Faces

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Book of Faces
Monster ID 1041
Locations CRIMBCO Cubicles
Hit Points 10
Attack 10
Defense 10
Initiative 100
Meat None
Phylum Indeterminate
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts Indeterminate
5 CRIMBCO scrip
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Book of Faces You're fighting the Book of Faces

You're too bored to work anymore, so you crack open a clandestine copy of the Book of Faces, a magical tome in which anyone can write what they're doing right now, and everyone else can read it. Most of the entries read "I'm so bored that I'm writing in the Book of Faces."

You should attack the Book with spells and weapons so you'll be able to wrench your attention from it. Yup, that's why this fight makes narrative sense.

Hit Message(s):

You read an amusing status update and laugh so hard you drop the book on your toe. Ow! Argh!

You get sucked into putting little checkmarks on a giant list next to all of the food and booze you've eaten or drunk your entire lifetime. You stomp on your own toe to get yourself to stop. Oof! Argh!

You try and wrench your attention away from the Book, but you only succeed in straining the muscles in your neck. Ow! Ugh!

Your supervisor walks by and you snap the Book shut, accidentally smashing your fingers. Eek! Ooh!

Critical Hit Message:

You show a painting of yourself to the Book of Faces. You feel a small portion of your soul vanish as the picture appears in the Book's pages. Ow! Ow!

Miss Message(s):

You take a minute to take a survey. Turns out, of all the boss monsters in the Kingdom, you're the Knob Goblin King.

You take a survey. If you were a familiar, you'd be a MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech.

You take a survey. Your hobo name is "Ayn-Rand-Reading Craine 'Marvin the Martini' Lee, the Land Pirate."

You take a survey. Based on your favorite color and your birthdate, you should have 43 sex changes in the Back Alley before you ascend.

Fumble Message:

You spend a few minutes trying to figure out how to see the status updates of a friend from back in your days training at the guild. The search function is so broken and unintuitive that you don't have much success. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Boredeyes.gif Boredom +1%

An elf on roller skates whizzes by and tosses you a five-scrip note. "Keep slackin' off, and they DOCK ya!" he sneers, before skating away.

Scrip.gifYou acquire 5 CRIMBCO scrip

Occurs at CRIMBCO Cubicles.


  • This monster cannot be copied.


  • A "book of faces," or rather, Facebook.