Boletus Broletus mushroom

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Boletus Broletus mushroom
Boletus Broletus mushroom

This swollen, bulging, veiny mushroom is popular as a "dietary supplement" among Brogre bodybuilders.

(Cooking ingredient)
(Cocktailcrafting ingredient)
Type: potion
Selling Price: 100 Meat.
Effect: Boletus Swoletus (10 Adventures)Muscle +40

(In-game plural: Boletus Broletus mushrooms)
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Item number: 7431
Description ID: 237336891
View in-game: view
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When Used

You pop the mushroom into your mouth. Your jaw muscles get stronger as you chew, and by the time you swallow it, you're a lantern-jawed muscleperson.
Broshroom.gifYou acquire an effect: Boletus Swoletus
(duration: 10 Adventures)



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