Blue shell

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blue shell
blue shell

This thing infuriates you. Some designer's misguided sense of fairness has created the single most obnoxious object in the history of video games.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 22 Meat.

Deals up to 25 Physical Damage to whoever is in the lead

(In-game plural: blue shells)
View metadata
Item number: 3980
Description ID: 634096845
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Hero's Field
Blue Monday
Blue Monday
The Fungus Plains
Blue Monday
Vanya's Castle
Blue Monday

When Used

You drop the blue shell on the ground. It wobbles back and forth for a bit, as if deciding which direction it wants to go. Then it bolts toward you and knocks you on your ass in a spray of stray pixels.
HPYou lose 25 hit points.
Pixel5.gifYou acquire 1-3 blue pixels
Pixel1.gifYou acquire 1-3 white pixels


You drop the blue shell on the ground. It wobbles back and forth for a bit, as if deciding which direction it wants to go. Then it bolts toward your opponent, knocking him on his ass and dealing 25 damage.


  • The shell attacks the combatant with the higher number of hit points.


  • This item is an homage to the infamous blue spiky shell from the Mario Kart games. The shell locks onto the race leader and explodes on contact. This is notorious for causing rage, because a blue shell is nearly impossible to avoid and can mess up an otherwise-flawless race.


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