Black Tongue

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Black Tongue

Black Tongue

Your tongue is a shade of black that can best be described as "serious."

Recover HP and MP after battle
+5 to Familiar Weight
+2 Familiar Experience Per Fight
+3 Stats Per Fight
+50% Meat from Monsters
+30% Item Drops from Monsters

View metadata
Effect number: 144
Description ID: cf48440dfd1ae655ab1d2c447e0091e2
View in-game: view


  • After combat:
You burp, and it tastes like snowcone. Refreshing!
HPYou gain 20 hit points.
MPYou gain 20 Mana Points.

Obtained From


  • The description of this effects mentions "a shade of black that can best be described as 'serious'", which would be "serious black", which is phonetically the same as the character named Sirius Black from the Harry Potter series of books.

See Also

Summoned Snowcones
purple | green | orange | red | blue | black
Snowcone Effects ([Color] Tongue)
purple +20 HP & +20 MP per Fight
green +5 lbs. to Familiar Weight & +2 Familiar Experience Per Fight
orange +3 Stats Per Fight
red +50% Meat from Monsters
blue +30% Item Drops from Monsters

black +20 HP & +20 MP per Fight, +5 lbs. to Familiar Weight, +2 Familiar Experience Per Fight, +3 Stats per Fight, +50% Meat from Monsters, +30% Item Drops from Monsters