Best Carpet Ever

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Best Carpet Ever
Monster ID 364
Locations Mediocre Trip
Hit Points 50
Attack 53
Defense 47
No-Hit 63
Initiative 60
Meat None
Phylum weird
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts illusion of security, tantalizing softness
purple-frosted astral cupcake
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Best Carpet Ever You're fighting the Best Carpet Ever

You feel beneath your feet the beguiling, seductive texture of the best carpet ever. It's so deep, and plush, and the individual threads move gently back and forth beneath your feet. It seems like you could lie down in it and disappear -- that it would grow over your head and shelter you from the world.

Hit Message(s):

You stare deep into the carpet, but can't quite see what it's trying to tell you. You look closer, then have to blink the threads out of your eyes. Ugh! Ow!

You touch the carpet and it gets deeper and more luxurious as you do. You lie down in it and roll around, then get up with rug burns all over you. Ooh! Argh! Ow!

Critical Hit Message:

You run your hands ecstatically over the carpet, discovering a couple places where the tacks weren't hammered in all the way. Ow! Ow! Ouch!

Miss Message(s):

You stare deep into the carpet. It reveals eldritch secrets of how to be walked upon.

You touch the carpet and it gets deeper, which kind of freaks you out, so you stand back up.

Fumble Message:

You run your hands ecstatically over the carpet. Oooooh, that's nice. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Cupcake.gifYou acquire an item: purple-frosted astral cupcake (16.7% chance)*
You gain 13-14 <substat>.

Occurs during the Mediocre Trip.