Behind the 'Stache

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Behind the 'Stache
Behind the 'Stache

Your crappy fake waiter disguise has given you a moment of peace amidst the chaos of the club. You take stock of your surroundings:

A giant gong hangs from a stand on the stage, just daring you to cut it loose.

Or, if the gong has been cut loose:

That gong you cut loose is still rolling in circles around the place.

A standing ice bucket stands precariously close to the edge of the stage, just begging to be kicked over.

Or, if there's ice on the floor:

The floor is littered with ice cubes from that bucket you knocked over.

A collection of colorful paper lanterns hand from the ceiling, inviting you to set them on fire. Or, y'know, maybe you're imagining that invitation, and should seek professional help immediately.

Or, if the lanterns are on fire:

The entire place is filled with swirling ashes and flaming bits of paper from the lanterns you ignited.

You also see a door leading into the back room of the club, where they presumably keep the food and supplies and stuff.

Cut loose the gong
Chestache.gifYou lose an effect: Crappily Disguised as a Waiter

As your disguise disintegrates, you grab a steakknife from a busboy's tray and slick[sic] the cables holding the gong onto the stand. It crashes down from the stage and begins rolling in a slow, lazy circuit around the club.

If the lanterns are on fire:

On the bright side, the wind of the gong's passing blows out all of the flaming lanterns, so that's one less thing to worry about.

If there's ice on the floor:

On the bright side, the gong crushes all of the ice as it rolls around, so the floor is less slippery.

Knock over an ice bucket
Chestache.gifYou lose an effect: Crappily Disguised as a Waiter

As your disguise goes from crappy to completely ineffective, you kick over a standing ice bucket, littering the floor with fist-sized ice cubes.

If the gong has been cut loose:

Some of the ice slides underneath the massive gong, causing it to fall over. A nearby ninja takes advantage of the opportunity to hang the gong back on its stand.

If the lanterns are on fire:

The rapid drop in temperature puts out all of the lanterns. It's just... physics!

Set the lanterns on fire
Chestache.gifYou lose an effect: Crappily Disguised as a Waiter

You grab a still-lit Baked Alaska from the desert cart and use it to ignite one of the paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling. The fire quickly spreads to all of the other lanterns, distracting everybody from the fact that your disguise is no longer a thing.

If there's ice on the floor:

The heat from the lanterns melts all the ice on the floor, so that's something.

If the gong has been cut loose:

A random waiter, scrambling to get out of the way of the flaming lanterns, accidentally knocks the enormous gong back onto its stand.

Head to the back and steal some stuff
Chestache.gifYou lose an effect: Crappily Disguised as a Waiter

As the fake moustache slides off, you dart through a door into the back room of the club and grab as much stuff as you can before you get caught and thrown out.

Unnamedcock.gifYou acquire an item: unnamed cocktail
and 3-4 of the following items:
Blowknife.gifYou acquire an item: blowdart
Tommyammo.gifYou acquire an item: drum of tommy ammo
Shurikensalad.gifYou acquire an item: shuriken salad
Throwfork.gifYou acquire an item: throwing fork
Throwknife.gifYou acquire an item: throwing knife
Throwspoon.gifYou acquire an item: throwing spoon

Cut the gong loose and knock over the ice bucket

You draw your candy cane sword with one hand and your cane with another. With your sword, you slash through the ropes holding the gong. With your cane, you knock over an ice bucket. A particularly shiny piece of "ice" rolls to your feet. The gong slowly rolls around the club.

Baconstone.gifYou acquire an item: priceless diamond

Occurs upon adventuring in The Copperhead Club with 1 or more adventures of the Crappily Disguised as a Waiter effect.


  • Does not cost an adventure.
  • Choosing an option in this adventure will consume all of your remaining turns of Crappily Disguised as a Waiter.
  • Choosing to steal stuff gives 4-5 items, with possible repeats.