Bee Persistent

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Sometimes you get through, sometimes not. How/why?

Bee Persistent
Bee Persistent

The bees continue to swarm around you. The buzzing is louder -- you must be getting closer to the hive. Either that or there is a bee inside your ear.

Or both, I guess. With all this pain, it's kind of hard to tell what's going on.

Keep going


You continue on in spite of the swarming black bees.

You get stung in the feet and the arm at the same time.

HPYou lose 3-5 hit points.

A bee stings you in the head. Ow!

HPYou lose 3-5 hit points.

A bee stings you in the head and then again in the feet. You thought they could only sting once!

HPYou lose 3-5 hit points.

Leads to Bee Rewarded.

Turn away

You can't stand any more bee stings. You flee.

Occurs at The Black Forest via You Found Your Thrill.