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The Bedazzle! interface is accessed by clicking the [bedazzle] link on either a scratch 'n' sniff sword or scratch 'n' sniff crossbow.

You may have up to three stickers on your sticker weapon at one time.

  • Sword version:
top portion of sword
left portion of sword sticker 1 right portion of sword
sticker 2
sticker 3
bottom portion of sword
  • If the sword is not currently equipped:
[Fold Sword into Crossbow]
  • Crossbow version:
top portion of crossbow
left portion of crossbow sticker 1 right portion of crossbow
sticker 2
sticker 3
bottom portion of crossbow
  • If the crossbow is not currently equipped:
[Fold Crossbow into Sword]

Interface Messages

  • Beside each empty sticker slot is a dropdown listing all available stickers and a button:
  • When attaching a sticker the following message is displayed:
    You apply the shiny sticker.
  • Beside each empty sticker slot if the player has no stickers in inventory:
    You have no stickers.
  • Beside each filled sticker slot is the sticker's name followed by a [peel off] link.
  • On peeling off a sticker the following message is displayed:
    You peel off the sticker. It sticks to your fingers and you wind up tearing it into little bits as you struggle to remove it.
  • If you attempt to attach a sticker in a slot that already has a sticker:
    Odd. You already have a sticker in that spot.
  • If you attempt to attach more than three stickers to your weapon (for example, by opening an additional browser window before attaching the 3rd sticker), the following happens:
    You reach towards the end of your weapon, trying to find a spot to stick an additional sticker. Unfortunately, that's the business end. Ouch!
    Beatenup.gifYou acquire an effect: Beaten Up
    (duration: 10 Adventures)


  • For currently-attached stickers, the sticker's name is preceded by the adjective "shiny" if the sticker has been used for up to 6 combats. The adjective "dull" is displayed if the sticker has been used for 16 or more combats, with no adjective for uses from 7 to 15 combats.
Summoned Stickers
sword | crossbow | Bedazzle!
Sticker Effects
unicorn +25% Items from Monsters
apple +2 Stat(s) Per Fight
UPC +25% Meat from Monsters
wrestler All Attributes +10%
dragon +3 Prismatic Damage
rock band Weapon Damage +20
Spell Damage +20