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Monster ID 1517
Locations The Batrat and Ratbat Burrow
Hit Points 175
Attack 160
Defense 160
Initiative 50
Meat None
Phylum beast
Elements stench
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts claw, head, tail, wing
Quest The Stankara Stone
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Batsnake You're fighting the Batsnake

Your nostrils twitch as a foul odor invades them. It smells like the latrine at a hippy folk music festival in Hobopolis. It smells like the garbage can behind O'Reilly's Cheese and Tuna Emporium.

It doesn't smell good at all. You find a smaller cave off to the side, and the Stankara Stone fills your vision as its stench invades every nook and cranny of your sinus cavities.

You reach for it, but a snake you had mistaken for a sculpture uncoils from around the stone, flapping batwings, hissing and screeching as it half-flies, half-slithers toward you.

Nananananananana THIS THING!

Hit Message(s):

It wafts reeking air at you with its leathery wings. Oof! Oof! Oof! (stench damage)

It bites you with rotting teeth, its breath almost worst[sic] than its bite. Ouch! Ouch! Ow! (stench damage)

It belches a sulfurous belch, then uses its wings to bat the stinking air at you. Eek! Ow! Oof! (stench damage)

It hisses at you, unwittingly coating you with sulfurous spit. Ugh! Ouch! Ooh! (stench damage)

It scratches you with the claws at the end of its wings, infecting you with whatever foul-smelling nastiness is lodged under them. Ouch! Ouch! Oof! (stench damage)

It wraps you in its reeking coils and squeezes. Ooh! Oof! Ooh! (stench damage)

Critical Hit Message:

It wraps you in its coils and puffs stinking air into your face until you feel like you're going to pass out or cut your own nose off. Ouch! Ouch! Oof! (stench damage)

Miss Message(s):

It wafts reeking air at you, but you fan it away.

It bites you with rotting teeth, but they're too rotted to break your skin.

It belches, looks embarrassed, then says, "excuse me."

It hisses at you, but you boooo right back.

It scratches at you with its claws, but you dodge and hold your nose.

It tries to wrap you in its reeking coils, but you're used to avoiding hugs from stinky things from all the hippies you've hung out with.

Fumble Message:

It flaps its wings and rises into the stinking air, then bonks its head on the roof of the cavern and collapses, looking a little embarrassed. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Stankara.gifYou acquire an item: The Stankara Stone (100% chance)*

Occurs at The Batrat and Ratbat Burrow.
