Bat wing stir-fry

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bat wing stir-fry
bat wing stir-fry

This is a stir-fry of bat wings and vegetables. One of the bat claws looks like it's clutching a slice of mushroom -- how cute!

Type: food (awesome)
Size: 3
Level required: 4
Selling Price: 69 Meat.

(In-game plural: plates of bat wing stir-fry)
View metadata
Item number: 809
Description ID: 11272335
View in-game: view
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Ezcook.gif herbs spices  
Oven.gif secret blend of herbs and spices Knob mushroom  
Ezcook.gif Knob stir-fry bat wing
Equals.gif bat wing stir-fry

When Consumed

You eat the stir-fried bat wings. Just like mom used to make!
AdventuresYou gain 8-11 Adventures.
You gain 27-30 Magicalness.
(You gain 3 Fullness.)



Slash.gif bat wing stir-fry | Knob sausage stir-fry | pr0n stir-fry | rat appendix stir-fry | tofu stir-fry


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