Barf Mountain Breakdown
From TheKolWiki
Choice adventure number: 1068
You make your way to the Barf Mountain control console.
The rollercoaster is currently set to Standard/Extra-Violent/Awe-Inspiring/Super-Speedy Mode.
If you have the skill Dinsey Operations Expert:
From your Dinsey employee training, you also remember the override codes to turn on the Rapid-Pass system, which theoretically reduces the amount of time guests have to stand in line.
Change Coaster Mode |
You change the rollercoaster's mode setting.
Enable/Disable RapidPass System |
You enable/disable the Rapid-Pass system.
Back to the Maintenance Hub |
Occurs at Maint Misbehavin'.
- Coaster Mode starts at "Standard", which means that the substats from This Ride Is Like... A Rollercoaster Baby Baby are not weighted toward any particular stat. It can also be set to "Extra-Violent" (Muscle), "Awe-Inspiring" (Mysticality), or "Super-Fast" (Moxie).
- The Rapid Pass button is only shown if you have the Dinsey Operations Expert skill. The RapidPass System makes This Ride Is Like... A Rollercoaster Baby Baby occur more frequently when adventuring at Barf Mountain.
The name of the adventure could be a reference to the popular bluegrass song Foggy Mountain Breakdown.